Thank you, Carlsbad!

Thank you, Carlsbad!

What started off as a day of uncertainty at the Carlsbad Street Fair…

…dark grey skies, huge gusts of wind, and rain falling from the sky- all at 6am mind you…😅

… ended in a moment of bliss  ✨

We begrudgingly set up our booths of handmade jewelry, wood panel paintings, dried flowers, and more, holding down canopies from blowing away and protecting our wares from the endless rain

We looked at our neighbors to see if we could catch a glimpse of “I’ll leave if you leave…”

We decided to persevere! 

Thankfully, the day made a turn for the better as the skies parted and the sun shone through right when we opened at 8am! It was truly a gift from the Universe.

The day came and went with much success and now I am in the hot tub with some pasta waiting for me, after a long day of the Carlsbad Street Fair and am reflecting on the beautiful individuals and interactions I encountered today. I think about each of you…

The openness to share stories of loved ones in tumultuous times of mental health struggles…

The ones glowing from a recent step forward on their healing path…

Those passionate about the cause and wanting to support with no hesitation…

Those with a desire for providing care in the right way…

Those seeking a new energy to adorn themselves with as they walk through their life’s path…

Each person, each story, and each energy exchange was beautiful in its own Unique way. I feel truly grateful for your presence, and my heart expands to each and every one of you that adopted something today.

Every purchase helps make this business grow, our donations climb, and our hearts flutter 🥹

Im off to my bowl of pasta, but thank you so much for supporting small business, and especially shopping with Think Unique.

With love & gratitude, 



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